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6 Steps To Project Yourself As An Expert And Attract Consulting Gigs and Job Offers
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Be an Expert and Attract Consulting Gigs and Job Offers

Attract consulting gigs and job offers by becoming an expert in your field with our guide on showcasing your knowledge, building a strong online presence, and networking effectively.

Nelson Marteleira
July 29, 2024

Professionals recognized as experts receive more job offers and consulting gigs. According to a 2024 LinkedIn survey, 58% of decision-makers say that thought leadership content has directly influenced their decision to award business to a company. This data highlights the significant benefits of establishing yourself as an expert.

Be an Expert and Attract Consulting Gigs and Job Offers
2024 Edleman-LinkedIn B2B Thought Leadership Impact Report

Imagine you're stuck in a monotonous job with little growth. You dream of a fulfilling career in tech but fear financial instability and the uncertainty of changing careers. This is a common scenario for many who feel the looming threat of automation is making their skills obsolete.

Taking charge of your career means identifying a niche you're passionate about and gaining expertise in it. Sharing your projects on LinkedIn and writing about your learning journey can position you as an expert. Consistent marketing, networking, and skill development can transform your career.

Why And How Being Recognized As An Expert Helps

Imagine attending a seminar on future jobs, much like Brinda Tailor did a few months back. The speaker, she writes in her Quora post at the seminar, presented an insightful analogy: "Look at the letters T and I." The idea was that a person should have expertise in one field, represented by the vertical line of the T, but also possess a broad knowledge base across other areas, shown by the horizontal line. This way, even if one job becomes obsolete, you won't have to start from scratch.

Brinda shared, "Suppose Mr. X is living in 1918, and he is here to ask you a question regarding his career: 'I have been driving a horse cart for many years now, but the cars are new, and people no longer travel in horse carts. What should I do?'" She narrates that the speaker prompted the audience to respond and advised Mr. X to learn skills relevant to the emerging car industry, such as driving, repairing, or manufacturing cars. The lesson was clear: being an expert in a specific field is crucial, but having basic knowledge of other areas is equally important.

Why And How Being Recognized As An Expert Helps

For many, the fear of job obsolescence and the desire for a stable, fulfilling career is a constant concern. By being recognized as an expert, you can stand out in the job market, attract consulting gigs, and open doors to new opportunities. For those feeling stuck in monotonous jobs with little growth, like many gig workers or administrative assistants, the idea of transitioning into a tech career can be daunting.

At NoCode Institute, we help you build in-demand skills, even without a traditional tech background. Our cohort-based programs are designed to provide you with the resources that help you become a leader in your tech field.

Establish Yourself As An Expert

Imagine waking up each day with a sense of purpose, knowing that your skills and expertise are in high demand. Picture yourself confidently leading projects, attracting lucrative consulting gigs, and receiving job offers from top companies. 

This dream scenario can become your reality by establishing yourself as an expert. Here are six powerful ways to make it happen.

1. Identify Your Niche And How It Will Help You

Finding your niche is a critical step toward establishing yourself as an expert. It allows you to focus your efforts, build credibility, and attract the right opportunities. By zeroing in on a specific area, you can showcase your expertise and position yourself as a go-to professional in that field.

Find Your Passion

Niches are a complex subject in the world of freelance writing. Some freelancers will tell you that you can't have more than one niche, and others will tell you that you can't start freelancing until you find your niche. These "rules" are simply not true.

"I found my niche in tech content marketing, particularly for career catalysts like coding boot camps and upskilling educators. But I also write about personal development, thru-hiking, and freelance career tips," shared Rachel, a freelance tech writer and a business coach. Having multiple niches has allowed her to diversify her income and keep her work interesting.

"It's completely normal to have some imposter syndrome and hesitation when it comes to choosing your niche. I know I did (and sometimes still do)! But you have to power through and learn (yes, learn) how to trust yourself."

Identify Your Niche And How It Will Help You
Rachel Sharing Why it is Important to Have a Niche

Rachel recalled in one of her blog posts, "I was called everything from a 'generalist' to 'scatterbrained,' and I couldn't get hired for more than $25/hour." However, by narrowing her focus and showcasing her skills specifically within her niche, she became overbooked and even created a waitlist.

How It Helps

Michael E. Cohen, a former partner at Booz Allen Hamilton, shared his journey of how niche expertise transformed his consulting firm. "When I had my own consulting firm, I had what became an 8-year contract to provide consultation in performance-based contracting to a large Federal Government healthcare agency." He explained that what started as a one-year contract turned into a highly successful eight-year engagement due to his specialized knowledge in performance-based contracting.

Michael's success was built on several strategies. "I attended conferences on performance-based contracting and performance measurement. I gave presentations at these conferences, which helped establish my expertise," he said. Michael also emphasized the importance of continuous learning and networking. ""Engage in discussions and give information to Government colleagues related to performance-based contracting. The idea here was to help others sometimes just by answering a single question or occasionally via a more involved response."

For those feeling stuck in their current roles, identifying and focusing on your niche can be a game-changer. Rachel's story of diversifying her skills and Michael's experience of securing long-term contracts demonstrate the power of niche expertise. At NoCode Institute, our programs are designed to help you discover and develop these niche skills, positioning you as a sought-after expert in your field. Embrace your niche with our targeted courses and open doors to new opportunities and career growth.

2. Market Yourself Properly

Promoting yourself effectively can transform your career, especially if you're feeling stuck or facing job insecurity. Wendy Maynard, who co-founded a multi-million-dollar marketing consultancy, shared several strategies that contributed to her success. "In 2000, my business partner and I co-founded a marketing and business consulting company that was just awarded Oregon Fastest Growing Company for the 5th year in a row."

 Market Yourself Properly
Wendy Shares Constant Tips on Marketing Yourself

Wendy emphasized building a strong foundation with great people and exceptional work in one of her Quora posts. "Hiring amazing people who do great work and helping our clients reach their goals was key to our success." She also highlighted the importance of a compelling online presence, strong SEO, regular blog posts, and an active LinkedIn profile. "Creating a strong referrer network and developing relationships with 'connectors' in our target communities were essential steps."

NoCode Institute can help you market yourself properly by equipping you with in-demand skills and showcasing your achievements. Our programs focus on building a strong professional presence, effective networking, and creating a portfolio of your work. At NoCode, you can learn more about how to get into the tech industry and daily habits for career transformation.

3. Become A Thought Leader

Becoming a thought leader can significantly enhance your career prospects, especially if you're facing job instability or feeling stuck. Milana Leshinsky, Founder and CEO of Coaching Genie, shared her journey to becoming a recognized leader in her niche. "I've been creating new things, like the first Telesummit in the world and Coaching Genie. I've always put myself out there with books, summits, and webinars," Milana explained. Her approach highlights the importance of visibility and innovation in establishing thought leadership.

Milana's journey began with a simple desire to create and share. "I hosted the very first telesummit in the world. I've developed many different methods, some of which I licensed to other coaches," she said. By continually creating new things, she positioned herself as a pioneer and innovator in her field. This relentless drive to create and share new ideas helped her stand out as a thought leader.

Become A Thought Leader
Milana Sharing More Tips on How to Become a Thought Leader

Putting yourself out there is crucial. "You can't really be quiet in business. If you're quiet, you might as well not have a business," Milana emphasized. Whether through writing books, hosting webinars, or launching online challenges, being visible is key. Milana's proactive approach to visibility included publishing books and consistently engaging with her audience through various platforms.

Collaborating with other leaders also played a significant role in her journey. "I partner with other leaders in my niche. I partner with joint venture partners who are also successful. I speak at people's events," she shared. These partnerships not only expanded her reach but also elevated her credibility within the industry.

Another crucial aspect of becoming a thought leader is solving significant problems in your market. "I like to look for new ways to solve a big problem that my market is experiencing. That's where really all my good ideas come from," Milana said. By addressing unmet needs and offering innovative solutions, she established herself as a valuable resource and a leader in her niche.

If you're feeling stuck in your job or facing job insecurity, becoming a thought leader can significantly enhance your career prospects. Milana Leshinsky's journey shows how visibility, innovation, and solving market problems can establish you as a recognized leader in your field.

NoCode Institute can help you achieve this by providing the skills and strategies needed to stand out doesn't matter your age. Our programs focus on innovative thinking, effective networking, and showcasing your unique expertise. We help you discover how to start a career in tech. Elevate your brand and become the go-to expert in your niche with NoCode Institute.

4. Do Proper Networking

A Reddit user shared their method: "I keep a spreadsheet of everyone I wanted to keep in touch with. I'd keep track of the last time I talked with them and if it was by phone, in person, email, etc. I tried to have a phone or better meeting with everyone on that list once a year, with top prospects once a quarter." This consistent outreach helped them build a strong referral network. "I'm 52, running my own firm, and I get all my business through referrals now, and it's been that way for the last 7 years." This approach highlights the importance of sustained effort and genuine relationship-building in professional networking.

Another user shared their journey of networking through meaningful correspondence. "I sent a long email telling him how much I enjoyed learning from him and to see what he was up to. We kept up correspondence for several years before I evolved to a more niche specialty and we lost touch." This story underscores how expressing genuine appreciation and maintaining long-term connections can significantly impact your career trajectory.

Do Proper Networking
50 Networking Quotes

If you are struggling with finding a job or feeling stuck in your current role, effective networking can be transformative. Building relationships that open doors to new opportunities is crucial for career advancement.

NoCode Institute can help you master networking by providing the skills and confidence needed to build meaningful professional relationships. Our NoCode Foundations program offers opportunities to connect with industry leaders and professionals, expanding your network and advancing your career.

5. Continue Developing Your Skills

Continuously developing your skills is crucial for staying relevant and competitive in the job market. Teresa Brzozowski's career journey highlights the importance of lifelong learning and adapting to new roles. "I started my career in the tech industry as an employee for a small software company that was growing internationally. I enjoyed working for a smaller firm, where I could be exposed to many different parts of the business and learn as much as possible."

Continue Developing Your Skills

After several years in marketing, Teresa transitioned to sales roles and gained valuable experience. "When my daughter was born, I decided that I wanted to see if I could switch to consulting so that I could have more flexibility with my time." She leveraged her extensive network to land her first consulting contract. "It took a while, but that's how I landed my first contract. I positioned it as a great way for us to work together, say for three months, to get to know each other and see if there is a good fit."

Teresa's story underscores the importance of adaptability and continuous skill development. "As a consultant, there are times when you are doing 'double duty' - where you are finishing a contract for the client, and at the same time, doing business development to find the next gig."

If you are feeling stuck in your current role or facing job insecurity, continuously developing your skills is essential. It helps you stay competitive and open to new opportunities.

NoCode Institute offers programs designed to keep your skills up-to-date and relevant. Our courses help you stay ahead in the tech industry by providing the latest knowledge and practical experience. You can learn about mastering the psychology of transition. In addition, you can discover skills to learn to make money online.

6. Get Feedback And Work On It

Learning from feedback is crucial for career advancement and personal growth. A Reddit user shared their journey of using feedback to achieve top performance ratings consistently. "At one point, I had a 1 rating (force ranked top 10%) for five consecutive years." They emphasized the importance of forming good relationships and setting clear expectations with supervisors. "I used to meet with my supervisor at the beginning of each project and document a list of what my expectations and project responsibilities would be, and also ask them what superior performance looked like to them."

Get Feedback And Work On It

By proactively managing feedback and evaluation criteria, the user excelled in their roles. "When the eval time came, I would send them an email listing everything I did, in detail—which inevitably would be everything they listed and a lot more." This strategy ensured their accomplishments were recognized and that they received the ratings they deserved.

The user also highlighted the importance of being known positively by key decision-makers. "You need to be known positively to enough people that matter in the mid-year/year-end evaluation meetings." They shared how they armed their representatives with detailed information to tell a strong story during evaluations. "One of my top-performing coaches went even further—she sent me a full (and concise) PPT deck laying out everything for me."

If you're feeling stuck in your current role or overlooked for promotions, learning to use feedback effectively can be transformative. Constructive feedback helps you identify your strengths and areas for improvement, boosting your confidence and competitiveness. At NoCode, we tell you the right career moves to make and help you with your transition. 

No Code Success Story of How a Writer Expanded Her Freelance Business

Mariana's journey from journalism to content writing and eventually to no-code development showcases the transformative power of continuously evolving one's skill set. "I started my career as a journalist, but the industry was cutthroat and poorly paid," Mariana shared. Transitioning to content writing helped, but it wasn't enough to achieve financial stability. "I faced numerous obstacles, including ageism and prejudice, which motivated me to look for something better."

Discovering the NoCode Institute marked a turning point. "When I applied and got accepted to the NoCode Foundations Program, I was thrilled. It made me realize that I had been using no-code tools for years without even knowing it." Through the program, Mariana gained the skills to build and launch projects on her own. "I was excited to realize that finally, I can put my projects online and develop them by myself."

No Code Success Story of How a Writer Expanded Her Freelance Business

Her newfound skills allowed her to pivot her freelance business to offer web development services, complementing her content writing. "No code was giving me all that in an easy way," Mariana noted, highlighting how NoCode Institute empowered her to expand her services and secure more stable gigs.


Establishing yourself as an expert can significantly enhance your career prospects, allowing you to stand out in the job market and attract consulting gigs and job offers. From identifying your niche to marketing yourself effectively and leveraging feedback, these strategies can help you build a strong professional presence. Stories like those of Rachel, Michael, Milana, and Teresa demonstrate the transformative power of continuous skill development, proper networking, and thought leadership.

At NoCode Institute, we are committed to helping you achieve your career goals by providing the skills and strategies needed to succeed in the digital economy through our no-code training programs. Join NoCode Institute today and start crafting your successful career in tech!

Nelson Marteleira

Nelson is the co-founder NoCode Institute. He is an experienced NoCode specialist and developer with a solid portfolio. Nelson helps bring ideas to reality.

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