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Digital Skills

6 Actionable Steps to Boost Employability with Digital Skills

Discover practical steps to boost your employability with digital skills. Learn actionable strategies to enhance your career prospects and gain a competitive edge in the job market.

Nelson Marteleira
August 23, 2024

Ever feel like you're running on a treadmill that's speeding up every second? That's the modern job market for you. Digital skills aren't just a bonus anymore—they're a necessity. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just dipping your toes into the workforce, mastering these skills can be the game-changer you need. They open doors, set you apart, and keep you ahead in a world that's constantly evolving.

But how do you go from being digitally aware to digitally adept? Let's dive into some actionable steps that bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. After all, enhancing your employability isn't just about adding buzzwords to your résumé; it's about cultivating competencies that matter.

6 Key Actionable Steps to Enhance Employability through Digital Skills

1. Identify In-Demand Digital Skills: Focus Your Learning

1. Identify In-Demand Digital Skills: Focus Your Learning

In today's competitive job market, having the right digital skills can be the key to unlocking new opportunities. While cutting-edge fields like cybersecurity and AI programming are making headlines, it's important to recognize that there are numerous digital skills within your reach that can significantly boost your employability. These skills are practical, accessible, and directly applicable to a wide range of roles, whether you're an office administrator, customer service representative, or a manager.

  1. No-code development is a prime example. Platforms like WordPress, Wix, Glide, and Bubble allow you to build websites and mobile apps without needing advanced programming knowledge. These tools empower you to create digital solutions that can enhance your workplace efficiency or even kickstart a freelance career.
  2. Similarly, proficiency in digital customer service is increasingly valuable. With basic knowledge of CRM software like Salesforce or Zoho, you can manage customer interactions, streamline data entry, and improve overall service quality. These skills are crucial in maintaining strong customer relationships, especially in roles that involve regular client interaction.
  3. Digital design basics are also within your grasp. Tools like Canva or Adobe Spark make it easy to create professional-looking visuals, while understanding UX principles helps you contribute to more user-friendly digital products. Whether you're designing a simple flyer or helping improve your company's website, these skills will set you apart.
  4. E-commerce basics such as selling on platforms like eBay or Amazon, and managing digital payments via PayPal or Stripe, are practical skills that can easily be acquired and are in high demand, especially in today's online marketplace.

These digital skills are not only in demand but also attainable, providing an excellent starting point if you want to dive further into the world of evolving and advanced digital landscape. 

By choosing the right path and focusing on these accessible skills as your first step, you can confidently navigate the fast lanes of digital highway and position yourself for success in the job market.

Learn how to conduct thorough industry research to uncover job opportunities. Follow these steps to gather valuable insights, analyze trends, and identify potential employers.

2. Enroll in Online Courses: Continuous Learning

2. Enroll in Online Courses: Continuous Learning

Suryansh Sodhani
, a YouTube creator and a freelancer, shared his journey in Quora and how upskilling helped him pursue his passion leaving his well-paid job as a marketing manager in a VC-funded startup.

"Cut to 2021, I quit my job. I started to freelance. I began with content writing and copywriting, But I lacked know-how on how to get clients. I did not know how to serve them and close deals; It was all Hebrew for me”

He overcame this obstacle by upskilling.

"Over the next 4 years, I spent more than 5 lakhs (~ $6,000 USD) on – Books, courses, workshops and mentorship. I upskilled myself…You can get better at marketing, sales, and networking with practice. You can read books or take up courses to understand the nuances of it."

Key Takeaways

  • Investing in Continuous Learning: You need to recognize the value of continuous learning. By investing in online courses, books, and workshops, you'll be able to upskill yourself, making you more adaptable to changing job requirements and increasing your employability;
  • Developing Hard and Soft Skills: To succeed as a freelancer, it's crucial to develop both hard and soft skills. While hard skills like coding, writing, or designing require practice and repetition, soft skills such as marketing, sales, and networking are equally essential and can be honed through dedicated learning and experience;
  • Adapting to New Challenges: Continuous learning helps you adapt to new challenges, whether it's shifting to a different role in your job or transitioning to freelancing. By staying committed to learning, you'll be better equipped to handle unexpected changes in your career.

Unlock your potential with these 12 essential tools, libraries, and databases for reskilling programs. Discover the resources you need to master new skills and excel in your career. Read more to enhance your learning journey.

3. Join Online Communities: Network and Learn

3. Join Online Communities: Network and Learn

Ruanna O
. in her LinkedIn post list down four things that helped her when she was making her own career change from education to tech through LinkedIn and added that they can all be applied to other online platforms and communities as well:

  • Join Industry Groups: Seek out groups in your current or desired industry, not just for job opportunities, but to connect with people who can offer valuable advice and share their experiences. Networking in this way can open doors you might not have considered;
  • Engage Actively: Participate by reading, commenting, liking, and sharing content. The more effort you put into engaging with others, the more value you’ll get out of it. Reach out to individuals who resonate with you and build those connections;
  • Consider Volunteering/Freelancing: Don't overlook volunteer or freelance opportunities as they can help you build connections, learn new skills, and enhance your resume. These opportunities often arise from engaging with content and people online;
  • Check Perfectionism: Avoid falling into the perfectionism trap. Start sharing your work, even if it’s not perfect. This visibility can lead to opportunities and help build your portfolio, whether it’s writing, coding, or any other passion you have.

4. Practice Regularly: Hands-On Experience

4. Practice Regularly: Hands-On Experience

Samuel Akinyemi's
, an AI & ML engineer, advises that applying and practicing your skills is crucial for enhancing your employability, 

“Putting theory into practice was a game-changer for me.”

By working on personal projects and seeking freelance opportunities, you gain real-world experience that goes beyond theoretical knowledge. This hands-on practice not only strengthens your skills but also makes you more attractive to potential employers who value practical experience.

Similarly, Alekhya Chakrabarty, Vice President of Marketing and Growth at Unstop, emphasizes that nothing beats a practitioner's approach to mastering a craft.

“Through application, we realise how poor we are in some aspects and how they are our areas of improvement”

Regular practice helps you identify areas where you need improvement, allowing you to refine your skills continuously. Seeking feedback during this process further enhances your abilities, making you more adaptable and proficient. In today’s competitive job market, regularly practicing and gaining hands-on experience in your digital skills can significantly boost your employability and set you apart from others.

5. Build a Portfolio: Showcase Your Skills

5. Build a Portfolio: Showcase Your Skills

Building a portfolio to showcase your skills is essential for enhancing your employability, especially in digital fields. As Anuja Seth, a journalist turned digital marketer, advises, creating an online portfolio that includes your projects, volunteer work, and even mock samples can demonstrate your practical abilities to potential employers. 

“If you are heading toward digital marketing, you want to create an online portfolio.”

This allows you to showcase not just your knowledge but also your ability to apply it in real-world scenarios. 

Similarly, Alec Chen, a software engineer, emphasizes the importance of having a personal website to present your work in a visually appealing and accessible way. Employers are more likely to engage with your projects if they can quickly see the results and impact of your work. 

"Having a personal portfolio website is a great opportunity to bring life to the work you’ve done."

By having a well-curated portfolio, you make it easier for employers to understand your skills and value, significantly boosting your chances of landing the job you want.

Abdulrahman K. Alobied, a Business Development Manager by profession advises to include works that showcase your soft skills and not just limit it to professional skills.

“Highlighting  your community involvement not only showcases your soft skills but also  demonstrates your social responsibility and well-rounded character.”

This well-rounded approach highlights your ability to apply soft skills in various settings, making you a more attractive and versatile candidate to employers.

Learn how to effectively showcase your digital skills on your resume. Discover tips for highlighting key competencies to impress potential employers and stand out in the job market.

6. Seek Mentorship: Learn from Experts

6. Seek Mentorship: Learn from Experts

Seeking mentorship and learning from experts are invaluable strategies for enhancing your employability, particularly in the ever-evolving world of digital skills. 

As Lauren Yates, a Senior Account Executive at LinkedIn, speaks about her mentor, Sarah, she highlights how working with a mentor can offer "a seasoned guide through the uncharted territories" of your industry, helping you navigate complexities and avoid common pitfalls. 

“This exposure has made me face up to my assumptions, broadened my thinking, and encouraged me to approach challenges with a more diverse and inclusive mindset”

This guidance accelerates your learning curve, allowing you to gain insights and apply practical knowledge directly to your professional journey, making you more adept and competitive in your field.

Craig Goodliffe, CEO of Cyberbacker, also emphasizes the importance of mentorship in today’s global job market, where you must continuously develop your talents to remain valuable. He notes that being irreplaceable in your workplace is becoming more important than ever, especially as remote work expands the talent pool worldwide. By connecting with a digital mentor, you can gain access to expert advice and resources from anywhere, helping you refine your digital skills and stay ahead of the curve.

“The mentor you want is the one who has walked the path you want to walk and has acheived what you want to achieve.”

Incorporating mentorship into your career strategy equips you with the tools and confidence needed to excel. It not only enhances your skills but also expands your network, making you a more attractive candidate in a competitive job market.

Maximize your reskilling journey by leveraging mentorship benefits. Learn here how to tap into mentorship within reskilling programs to accelerate your career growth.


In today’s fast-moving digital world, simply keeping up isn’t enough—you need to stay ahead. By focusing on the right digital skills, constantly learning, connecting with others, practicing what you’ve learned, showcasing your work, and finding a mentor, you’ll not only boost your employability but also stand out from the crowd. The key is to keep growing and adapting because that’s what will truly set you apart.

So, what’s next for you? Start by picking a digital skill that excites you and dive into learning it. Whether it’s signing up for an online course, joining a community, or finding a mentor, there are endless opportunities out there. Get started now and build the skills that will keep you ahead in this ever-evolving digital landscape!

Nelson Marteleira

Nelson is the co-founder NoCode Institute. He is an experienced NoCode specialist and developer with a solid portfolio. Nelson helps bring ideas to reality.

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