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Traits of people boosting employability with digital skills
Digital Skills

6 Key Traits of Successful Professionals Who Boost Their Employability with Digital Skills

Discover the 6 traits that are key to boosting employability with digital skills. Learn how these characteristics can set you apart in a competitive job market. Read more to enhance your career prospects!

Nelson Marteleira
August 23, 2024

In today’s fast-paced job market, digital skills are becoming more crucial than ever. The World Economic Forum report highlights that by 2025, while 85 million jobs could disappear due to automation, a staggering 97 million new roles may emerge, perfectly suited to our increasingly tech-driven world. That’s a major shift! 

Job postings for digital roles

The chart above shows what percentage of all online job postings are, on average, for digital occupations in the top 10 OECD countries.

In fact, jobs requiring digital skills now account for 6-12% of all vacancies in the top 10 OECD countries. 

A closer look at the data reveals that in the U.S., job postings for digital roles skyrocketed by 24% between 2018 and 2021, with a whopping 116% increase in demand for data engineers alone.

This trend towards a digital workplace offers fantastic opportunities, but it also brings its own set of challenges. It’s clear that having digital skills isn’t enough on its own—you need the right traits to stand out truly. Whether it’s being adaptable, solving problems on the fly, or staying curious, these traits are what will keep your career thriving. 

So, let’s dive into the six essential traits you need to boost your employability and stay ahead in this ever-evolving landscape.

6 Essential Traits Boosting Employability with Digital Skills

1. Adaptability: Embracing Change in the Digital World

1. Adaptability: Embracing Change in the Digital World

The above quote by Charles Darwin reminds us that it's not about being the strongest or smartest—it's about how well you can adapt to change. When it comes to digital skills, the same rule applies. If you're willing to keep learning and stay flexible as technology evolves, you'll always stay ahead of the game. 

Being adaptable is your secret weapon in a tech-driven world. Embracing change can make you more resilient and competitive.

Take the example of Gunek Singh Dhanjal, an entrepreneur who stresses that being adaptable is crucial for agency success, especially as the business world keeps evolving. Embracing new technologies and trends helped his agency grow. 

When Gunek Singh Dhanjal first started his agency, he hesitated to embrace new technologies, believing familiarity would ensure safety. 

“When I first started my agency, I was hesitant to embrace new technologies and methodologies. I believed that sticking to what I knew would keep my business safe. But I quickly realized that this mindset was holding me back from reaching my full potential.”

Here are some expert tips from Frank Choy, CFO at Capstone Consulting, Sydney, to overcome hurdles to adaptability
Fear of the Unknown

Tactic: Reframe change as an opportunity. Focus on the potential benefits of change, and expose yourself to new experiences …

Overconfidence / Hubris Bias

Tactic: Seek feedback, engage in continuous learning, and surround yourself with diverse thinkers who can challenge your perspectives.

Confirmation Bias

Tactic: Actively expose yourself to opposing viewpoints, engage in debates, and practice looking at situations from multiple angles.

Loss Aversion

Tactic: Frame changes in terms of potential benefits and growth opportunities rather than losses.

Sunk Cost Fallacy

Tactic: Regularly assess your strategies and be willing to pivot when necessary. 

Mental Fatigue

Tactic: Ensure adequate rest, practice mindfulness, and prioritise tasks. Manage your energy levels to remain agile and adaptable. Tackle change in small bites.

Social Pressure

Tactic: Surround yourself with forward-thinkers and changemakers. 

2. Curiosity: The Drive to Learn and Explore 

Curiosity is key in today’s digital landscape, where digital literacy isn’t just a bonus anymore. 

The drive to learn and explore can set you apart, making you more adaptable and boosting your employability. By staying curious, you’re constantly evolving, picking up new digital skills that keep you ahead in the job market. 

James F Kenefick, Managing Partner at Azafran Capital Partners, in a post on the surge of digital transformation, emphasises the importance of digital literacy for professionals, bridging the digital divide,

“The move towards a digital-first world necessitates a culture of continuous learning and upskilling. Digital literacy has become essential for maintaining professional relevance and competitiveness. In this new era, being a lifelong learner is not just an advantage; it's a necessity.”

Understanding the importance of digital literacy in today’s time is just the first step; the real power comes when you say yes to learning new digital skills. Embracing this mindset not only keeps you relevant but also opens doors to opportunities that demand up-to-date expertise.

Talia Schatzman, a digital marketer by profession, on the importance of saying “Yes” to exploring new skills, says,

“My readiness to say "Yes" has not only allowed me to teach myself a wide range of skills but has also helped me grow my simple social media service into a full-service digital marketing agency.”

Learn strategies to stay ahead in your career, enhance your skills, and embrace lifelong learning for personal and professional growth.

3. Problem-Solving Skills: Tackling Challenges with Tech

Sun Tzu, in his book, Art of War, speaks of how the combination of a few elements can result in something whole. Solving a problem acts similarly. Combine each component and you will get the solution to your problem.

When it comes to tackling challenges, problem-solving skills are your best friend—especially when tech is involved. With the right approach, you can turn even the trickiest problems into opportunities for innovation and success.

Balkissa Ahmadou, an influencer and consultant, echoes this sentiment. Balkissa in a collaborative article on LinkedIn, highlights how breaking down and analyzing each component of a challenge allows you to develop effective solutions, ensuring you navigate obstacles with precision. Here, she remarks that,

“Problem-solving skills encompass a set of skills…These skills include the ability to recognize a problem, break it down into understandable parts, analyze its components, and finally, develop appropriate solutions.”

She believes that by combining analytical skills, creativity, and decision-making, one can decisively tackle obstacles and achieve optimal outcomes.

Building on this idea, Jyoti J., a technical writer and life coach, in a comment in Quora, provides two valuable and pragmatic tips for enhancing digital skills, which are crucial for effective problem-solving.

Jyoti J. emphasizes the value of hands-on experience and leveraging online resources to boost your digital skills. She advises not to shy away from getting your hands dirty and making the most of the internet's vast educational resources.

“First off, one of the best ways to enhance your digital skills is through hands-on practice. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty and try things out. 

Secondly, take advantage of the abundance of online resources available. The internet is a treasure trove of information, tutorials, and courses that can help you enhance your digital skills.”

4. Technical Proficiency

If you know how to do something practically, you don't need just to hope or believe it will happen—you can make it happen yourself through your skills and efforts.

Being technically proficient in digital skills doesn’t just leave you hoping for the best—it empowers you to take control of your career. With practical knowledge and technical proficiency, you're not just a passive participant; you actively shape outcomes, making yourself a valuable asset to employers who seek individuals capable of driving results through their skills and efforts.

The importance of being technically proficient cannot be undermined. Bernard Marr, a LinkedIn top voice and a futurist, put it rightly in a blog he contributed to Forbes when he says whether you're in tech, healthcare, plumbing, or even driving a truck, knowing how to use the tools of your trade is what sets you apart. 

Bernard Marr emphasises the importance of getting prepared for the changes to come. He says,

“We will need more specific technical skills in every industry as new technologies come on the scene, so you should be prepared to continually learn and focus on professional development.”

As things keep changing, being technically savvy helps you stay on top of your game, thus boosting employability. 

When it comes to mastering these technical skills, it's easy to feel overwhelmed or think you’re just not cut out for it. But here’s the truth—you can absolutely get there with the right mindset and effort.

James Roloff, a top social selling voice on LinkedIn, emphasizes the importance of persistence in mastering digital skills. He believes that technical proficiency comes from consistent practice and not from innate talent.

"You are not good at it because you have not done it enough," Roloff reminds us, underscoring the value of embracing the learning curve and becoming proficient in our skills.

5. Communication Skills

Good communication skills are crucial for boosting employability because they allow you to connect and collaborate effectively with others. It’s not just about getting your message across; it's about doing it in a way that can truly influence outcomes and drive success.

Shivaam Sharma, founder of Trans Neuron Technologies Pvt. Ltd., emphasizes the need for a balanced skill set in the workforce. Drawing from his experience, he points out

“While technical skills are undoubtedly vital, an emphasis on soft skills in the hiring process is paramount.” 

For him, the key to a thriving workplace lies in cultivating both technical expertise and strong interpersonal abilities.

Ranabir Roy, Sr. Engineering Manager at Hinge Health, has always believed that effective collaboration through effective communication skills is the backbone of successful projects. Leading a team of 18 software engineers from different generations, he’s seen firsthand how digital tools can bridge communication gaps and bring out the best in everyone.

“Our Gen Z engineers excel in using platform like Slack for real-time communication and quick updates…On the other hand, seasoned professionals in our team prefer structured communication channels such as emails or project management tool like JIRA.”

Unlock job opportunities with our guide on top personal branding strategies, including building a strong online presence, networking effectively, and showcasing your unique skills and experiences.

6. Self-Motivation: Driving Personal and Professional Growth

Self-motivation is key to growing both personally and professionally, especially when it comes to digital skills. It keeps you pushing to learn and adapt, making you more valuable for a workplace. 

As you gain new skills, your confidence grows, and this inner drive not only boosts your employability but also opens doors to bigger opportunities.

Here’s a remarkable anecdote from Dia Mitra, a leadership coach, about one of her clients who managed to turn a negative situation into a life-changing opportunity. 

Despite facing adversity, this client not only overcame the challenges but also ended up securing a dream job with a staggering 40% higher compensation package than her previous position. Dia Mitra says,

“Instead of showing up with lack, she developed, believed and practised a script that shifted her subconscious beliefs about self and her worth”

Learn how to leverage mental health resources to overcome career challenges and boost your professional success with this tips.


To wrap it up, succeeding in today’s digital world isn’t just about having the right skills. Traits like adaptability, curiosity, technical proficiency, problem-solving, and solid communication are what really set you apart. By building these qualities, you’ll stay ahead in the game. 

Want to boost your skills and future-proof your career? Check out the NoCode Institute programs.

Nelson Marteleira

Nelson is the co-founder NoCode Institute. He is an experienced NoCode specialist and developer with a solid portfolio. Nelson helps bring ideas to reality.

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