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Build a Strong Online Presence
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Build a Strong Online Presence: Six Pro Tips

Learn six pro tips to build a strong online presence. Enhance your digital footprint and stand out in today's competitive online landscape with expert guidance and actionable strategies.

Nelson Marteleira
July 22, 2024

According to Datareportal:

“A total of 5.44 billion people around the world were using the internet at the start of April 2024, equivalent to 67.1 percent of the world’s total population. Out of these, 5.07 billion (93.2% of internet users) use social media.”

This proves the point that In today's digital age, having a strong online presence isn't just a nice-to-have—it's a must. Think of it as your digital handshake. It’s how people find you, judge your credibility, and decide if they want to engage with you. Whether you're an office assistant dreaming of a career change, a gig worker seeking stability, or a job seeker wanting to stand out, your online presence is key to unlocking new opportunities.

Stepping into the Digital Arena
Report from Datareportal

If the thought of building this presence is daunting, here's the good news: you don't need to be a tech whiz to shine online. With the right approach and tools, anyone can craft an impressive digital footprint. By mastering the basics and utilizing the power of no-code tools, you can create a compelling online image and even automate the process. This not only boosts your job prospects but also sets you on a path to a more fulfilling and stable career.

Also, give a read on why reskilling and upskilling matter and how they help in today's fast-paced work environment.

6 Building Blocks of Your Online Image

Ready to supercharge your online presence? These six tips are your building blocks to a standout digital image. Let's dive in and get you started on creating a strong, memorable online presence that aligns with your career aspirations and dreams.

1. Build in Public

Imagine putting yourself out there for the world to see. That’s what Brittany Trinh did when she started sharing her journey in STEM online. Brittany's story is proof of the power of building in public. Back in 2017, she switched from chemical engineering to chemistry and began to document her experiences on Twitter and a blog. Initially, she was hesitant and unsure if her story mattered. It took her nearly two years to overcome her anxieties and embrace the value of her unique perspective.

Build in Public
Tip from Brittany

She obsessed over grammatical errors and feared public scrutiny. Despite her doubts, her friends and family were supportive, and their interest helped her realize the importance of her story. "Now thinking back, I feel kind of sad because my friends and my family were reading it, and they cared, and they were interested and so my story already mattered to them," she recalls.

Whether you're looking to transition from an administrative job, find stability after gig work, or restart your career after a layoff, sharing your journey can be transformative. Remember, building a personal brand takes time and effort, but the rewards are worth it. Your online presence can become a powerful tool in your job hunt, opening doors to opportunities you never imagined.

Tips for Building a Personal Brand (Inspired by Brittany's Journey)

  • Value Your Story: Brittany realized her experiences were valuable. Believe that your unique journey matters and can inspire others.
  • Overcome Anxieties: It took Brittany almost two years to overcome her fears. Push through the initial discomfort and keep sharing.
  • Start Small: Brittany started with blog posts about her undergrad experiences. Begin with simple, relatable content.
  • Seek Support: Brittany's friends and family were her first supporters. Share your work with close ones to build confidence.
  • Stay Authentic: Brittany stayed true to her experiences. Authenticity helps build a genuine connection with your audience.
  • Consistency is Key: Despite her fears, Brittany kept posting. Regular updates help maintain and grow your audience.

Unlock job opportunities with our guide on top personal branding strategies.

2. Optimize your Website

Tanner Christensen, a product designer at Lyft and author of The Creativity Challenge, knows a thing or two about building a successful online presence. He’s obsessed with creativity and has crafted a website, ‘Creative Something,’ that attracts over 250,000 unique visitors a year. His journey offers valuable insights for anyone looking to optimize their website and build a personal brand.

Optimize your Website
Tanner’s website

Promoting your website is equally crucial. Tanner spent many late nights emailing people he admired and promoting his articles. “There are no excuses here: it takes hard work to get something to really boom,” he says. Optimizing your website for SEO is part of this promotion effort. Start with keyword research to find the terms most relevant to your target audience. Use these keywords strategically in your content to improve your search rankings. Also, ensure your site is user-friendly and easy to navigate. Simple URL structures, quick load times, and engaging content all contribute to a better user experience, which in turn boosts your SEO performance.

For those worried about falling behind in the digital race or feeling overwhelmed by the technical aspects of website optimization, remember that everyone starts somewhere. If you are worried that building and maintaining a website is too much work, there are many tools to help you with it. Even if you want a simple yet effective portfolio, you can use solutions like Onehour where you get a custom domain and don’t have to worry about SEO or other optimizations. However, if you want a website for your new business, NoCode Institute programs can guide you through the process of no-code development, automation, and much more. Just like Tanner, you can build a strong, optimized online presence that opens doors to new opportunities.

3. Create a Social Impact

Gary Vaynerchuk, known to many as GaryVee, has mastered the art of creating social impact through his content strategy. His approach is built on a “reverse pyramid” model, starting with a substantial piece of “pillar content.” For Gary, this often takes the form of a daily vlog, keynote, or Q&A show. From this core content, he generates numerous smaller pieces tailored for various platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. This strategy not only maximizes reach but also ensures that his message resonates across different audiences.

Create a Social Impact
Gary’s Content Pyramid

Gary’s relentless content creation has earned him millions of views and a massive online following. He emphasizes the importance of starting with what you’re comfortable with, whether it’s video, podcasting, or blogging. “Watch what I do, not what I say,” he advises, encouraging others to adapt his methods to their unique strengths. For anyone looking to build a personal brand or boost their online presence, Gary’s strategy highlights the power of consistent, multi-platform content creation.

Here are some of Gary’s key tips for creating a social impact:

  • Start with Pillar Content: Create a substantial piece of content regularly, such as a video or podcast.
  • Repurpose Content: Break down your main content into smaller, platform-specific pieces.
  • Stay Consistent: Post daily and engage with your audience across multiple channels.

4. Devise a Kicker Content Strategy

Landon Poburan, a seasoned social media buyer and marketing strategist, understands the struggle of building a successful content strategy. Unlike the gurus with massive followings, Landon’s journey has been marked by trial and error. “I could never relate to the gurus with hundreds of thousands of followers,” he admits. Despite following the standard advice of picking a niche and delivering value, he found little engagement until he had a breakthrough in 2022.

Devise a Kicker Content Strategy
Landon’s Tip

Landon’s content took a surprising turn when a post went viral, garnering over 200,000 views. This unexpected success led him to develop the A.I.M Method Content Strategy, focusing on three key areas: Attention, Influence, and Monetization. This method has significantly boosted his LinkedIn following and engagement, proving its effectiveness. For those transitioning careers or seeking stability, Landon’s approach offers a practical roadmap to content success without needing a massive following or budget.

The A.I.M Method breaks down into three main types of content:

  • Attention Content: Expands your audience and builds brand awareness. Examples include trends, listicles, and personal stories.
  • Influence Content: Establishes your authority and expertise. This can be tips, educational how-tos, and case studies.
  • Monetization Content: Directly aims to generate sales with calls to action and offers.

By strategically balancing these content types, Landon’s method provides a structured approach to growing your online presence. For anyone looking to pivot into a new field or launch a side hustle with social media, learn these skills to make money online. With a no-code approach, your content efforts become more impactful and aligned with your career goals.

5. Leverage Email like a Pro

As the founder of Good People Digital, Matt Ragaland has honed his skills by crafting engaging email campaigns that not only capture attention but also build a loyal audience. “Brands that excel at email marketing frequently tell a story to their ideal audience,” Matt explains. As an email marketer with a decade of experience, he knows the power of storytelling in email marketing. His approach is simple yet effective: make your emails feel like a conversation with a friend rather than a flashy ad.

Leverage Email like a Pro
Matt’s Post on Newsletter Guide

Matt’s journey into email marketing began at ConvertKit, where he learned the ropes of creating compelling narratives. Now, with his agency, he emphasizes the importance of a narrative-driven strategy. Instead of bombarding subscribers with graphics-heavy emails, he suggests a more personal touch. “Try making a newsletter look more like a personal email message,” he advises. This strategy not only increases engagement but also fosters a deeper connection with your audience, making them more likely to respond and interact.

By integrating storytelling into your emails, you can highlight your journey, share your expertise, and build a personal brand that resonates with potential employers or clients. If you get the hang of it, you can even try a business or a side hustle in content writing. Here’s an alumni story to inspire you.

Here are some of Matt’s top tips for leveraging email like a pro:

  • Tell a Story: Make your emails engaging by sharing personal anecdotes and narratives that connect with your audience.
  • Simplify Design: Focus on making your emails look and feel personal, like a message from a friend rather than a corporate ad.
  • Use Automation Wisely: Implement automation strategies to segment your audience and deliver relevant content based on their interests and behaviors. Here’s an automation guide for client management you can use.

6. Use Paid Advertising: Get the Bang for Your Buck

Use Paid Advertising: Get the Bang for Your Buck

DimonaBoy, a Reddit user and business owner with 20 years of experience, recently decided to dive into the world of paid advertising. For years, his business thrived on client referrals, SEO, and networking events. However, he realized it was time to explore new territories. "We've always relied on networking and SEO, but we noticed we were meeting the same people. We wanted to reach businesses that don't attend these events and prefer to find services online," he explained.

The goal was clear: reach new clients who might not have the time for networking but still need reliable services. "We'll monitor the ROAS (Return on Ad Spend) over time. It might not be low cost, but the potential payoff is worth it," he said.

For freelancers and small business owners looking to enhance their job prospects, paid advertising can cut through the tough competition.

Here are some tips to maximize your investment:

  • Target Specific Demographics: Focus your ads on specific locations or demographics to reach the right audience.
  • Use Local Proof: Highlight local testimonials and case studies to build trust and relevance.
  • Monitor and Adapt: Keep an eye on your ROAS and be ready to adjust your strategy based on performance.

Remember that paid advertising, when done right, can offer a significant return on investment, helping you achieve your career goals and business objectives. If you don’t have the necessary technical skills, don’t worry; the present market offers many no-code tools to make your life easy. For example, learn more about how Beatriz boosted her freelance business with NoCode Institute.

Here is how to effectively rebrand yourself and market your reskilled talents.

Adapt, Rock, and Roll

In the fast-paced digital arena, staying ahead requires a commitment to analytics, testing, and continuous improvement. Regularly reviewing your campaign performance and making data-driven decisions ensures you’re always hitting the mark. Keep an eye on emerging trends and platforms to stay relevant and reach your audience where they spend their time. Remember, the digital landscape is ever-evolving, and being adaptable is key to rocking your online presence.

At NoCode Institute, we empower you to harness the latest digital skills without needing to write a single line of code. Our programs, such as NoCode Foundations and NoCode Mastery, are designed to equip you with the tools and knowledge to thrive in today’s tech-driven world. Whether you're looking to reboot your career or advance in your current role, our comprehensive courses offer hands-on learning and personalized support every step of the way. Ready to take the next step? Join NoCode Institute today and transform your future!

Nelson Marteleira

Nelson is the co-founder NoCode Institute. He is an experienced NoCode specialist and developer with a solid portfolio. Nelson helps bring ideas to reality.

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