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Self-Assessment Before a Career Change
Career Change

Know Yourself, Know Your Career: Pre-Career-Change Self-Assessment

Considering a career change? Before you dive in, self-assessment is crucial. This article guides you through exploring your strengths and finding the perfect fit.

Nelson Marteleira
July 5, 2024

Thinking about a career change? You're not alone. According to the article “Career Change Statistics”, the average person changes careers 5 to 7 times in their working life, driven by rapid technological advances, shifting economic landscapes, and a growing desire for work-life balance and personal fulfillment. Switching careers isn’t just about finding a new job; it's about seizing new opportunities, facing fresh challenges, and aligning your work with your passions.

But such a significant shift isn’t a decision to be taken lightly. This is where self-assessment becomes crucial. As Richard Bolles, author of What Color Is Your Parachute?, aptly puts it, "Self-assessment is the key to making successful career transitions." By understanding your strengths, interests, values, and skills, you can gain the clarity needed to make informed, strategic career moves that are both satisfying and sustainable.

This article will walk you through the process of self-assessment, helping you identify what drives you, what you excel at, and what you find fulfilling. Ready to discover your ideal career path? Let’s dive in.

Core Components of Self-Assessment

Identifying your skills and strengths

When considering a career change, identifying your skills and strengths is a critical step. 

🛠️ Transferable skills are those abilities and competencies that are applicable across various jobs and industries. These include skills like communication, leadership, problem-solving, and teamwork. 
For example, Rina, a former professional ballerina, leveraged her expertise in emotional expression and structural precision to transition into a product design role. By highlighting her ability to evoke specific emotions through dance and her meticulous attention to the technical aspects of choreography, she demonstrated her capability to create engaging and user-friendly designs.

🛠️ Technical skills, on the other hand, are specific to particular fields or roles, such as coding for software development or accounting for finance.
Mark, who spent a decade in retail, used his customer service expertise and sales acumen to move into a business development position. His deep understanding of customer needs and market trends made him a valuable asset in identifying new business opportunities.

A few example of transferable skills

Recognizing these skills is essential because they form the foundation of your professional capabilities. Transferable skills make you adaptable and versatile, while technical skills ensure you meet the specific requirements of your desired new role.

Here are some effective resources and exercises to help identify your strengths and accomplishments:

1. Skill Inventory

  • Create a comprehensive list of all the tasks you’ve performed in your previous roles;
  • Categorize these tasks into transferable and technical skills;
  • Reflect on which skills you enjoyed using the most and which yielded the best results;
  • Use the Skills Matcher tool to match your skills to potential career options.

2. SWOT Analysis

  • Conduct a personal SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats);
  • Identify your internal strengths and weaknesses;
  • Consider external opportunities that align with your strengths and how your weaknesses might impact your career change;
  • Use this platform to conduct your Personal Swot Analysis in a more interactive way.

3. Feedback from Peers

  • Seek feedback from colleagues, mentors, and supervisors about your strengths and accomplishments;
  • Use this feedback to gain an objective view of your abilities and how others perceive your contributions;
  • Learn how to ask for and utilize feedback effectively.

According to research from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)  69% of hiring managers prioritize transferable skills when considering candidates for different roles. This underscores the importance of clearly identifying and articulating these skills during your career transition.

Exploring your interests and passions

Aligning your career with your passions and interests is crucial for long-term motivation and job satisfaction. When your work resonates with what you love, it becomes more than just a job: it becomes a source of fulfillment and energy. Pursuing a career that aligns with your interests ensures that you remain engaged, driven, and resilient in the face of challenges. When it doesn’t, then it might be a sign it's time for a career change.

As research by Gallup shows: employees who work in roles that align with their strengths and interests are 6 times more likely to be engaged at work: 

“People who focus on their strengths every day are 6 times more likely to be engaged in their jobs, more productive and more likely to say they have an excellent quality of life."

Consider Anna, a London-based lab technician who always had a passion for baking. Despite her demanding job, she started baking as a side hustle, selling her cakes through Instagram and Facebook. “The biggest struggle I faced is that I just had no idea how to set up a small business, I still don't”. she explains. Despite the hurdles, Anna's love for baking kept her going and her dream is to own a library café one day, combining her love for reading and baking.

When interests and skills align you feel passion for your job

Exercises to identify intrinsic motivators and preferred work environment

1. Passion Inventory:

  • List activities or topics that you are passionate about, both professionally and personally;
  • Reflect on why these activities matter to you and how they make you feel;
  • Consider how these passions can be integrated into a career path;
  • Find your passion answering this test created by Dr. Anne Dranitsaris, a behavioral change expert.

2. Ideal Workday Visualization:

  • Imagine your ideal workday from start to finish. What tasks are you performing? Who are you working with? Where are you working?
  • Write down the specifics of this ideal workday to uncover your preferred work environment and job characteristics.
  • Take the Work Environment Quiz and learn how, when, and where you work best based on your personality.

3. Motivational Drivers:

  • Reflect on what motivates you the most: recognition, financial rewards, personal growth, making a difference, or creative freedom;
  • Rank these drivers in order of importance to determine what factors will keep you motivated in a new career.

4. Interest Mapping:

  • Create a mind map of your interests, branching out from broad categories (e.g., technology, education, healthcare) to specific niches (e.g., AI development, teaching, nursing);
  • Identify common themes and potential career paths that align with multiple interests;
  • Take the CareerExplorer Interest Assessment: A comprehensive tool to map out your interests and find career matches.

Simon Sinek, author of "Start With Why," emphasizes, "Working hard for something we don't care about is called stress; working hard for something we love is called passion." This highlights the difference in motivation levels when pursuing a career aligned with one's interests.

Aligning with your values

Identifying your core values is a vital component of self-assessment, especially when considering a career change. Core values represent your fundamental beliefs and guiding principles. They influence your decisions, behavior, and satisfaction in life and work. 

Finding a career that reflects your ethical principles ensures alignment between your professional life and personal integrity, leading to greater fulfillment and consistency in your actions.

Core values represent your fundamental beliefs and guiding principles

In fact, a report by Deloitte found that executives believe that a strong sense of purpose and values contribute to overall business success:

“Employees who truly experience purpose in their daily work show higher levels of motivation and trust towards their employer”.

This underscores the significance of aligning personal values with professional roles, as it not only enhances individual satisfaction but also drives organizational success.

Consider Alan Tang, who left a high-paying corporate finance job because it conflicted with his values of passion and fulfillment: “I didn't feel like my work contributed to society in any way.”, he says. He transitioned into the culinary world, where he now finds deep satisfaction in creating bespoke catering for special occasions. His sense of purpose is evident in his daily interactions and his commitment to his culinary craft, proving that aligning work with personal values can lead to profound fulfillment.

Examples of work values and their influence on Career Choices

1. Creativity:

  • Careers in arts, design, marketing, and innovation sectors thrive on creativity. If you value creativity, consider roles that allow for artistic expression, problem-solving, and out-of-the-box thinking.
  • Example: A graphic designer or a marketing strategist benefits from environments where innovative ideas are encouraged and valued.

2. Collaboration:

  • If you value collaboration, seek careers that emphasize teamwork, communication, and collective effort. Roles in project management, human resources, and education often require strong collaborative skills.
  • Example: A project manager in a tech company works closely with cross-functional teams to achieve project goals, ensuring everyone’s contributions are valued and integrated.

3. Innovation:

  • Careers that prioritize innovation often involve research and development, technology, and entrepreneurial ventures. If you value innovation, look for roles that encourage continuous improvement and creative solutions.
  • Example: A software developer or an entrepreneur thrives in settings that push the boundaries of conventional thinking and embrace new technologies.

4. Helping Others:

  • If you are driven by a desire to help others, careers in healthcare, social work, counseling, and non-profit organizations might be a good fit. These roles focus on making a positive impact on individuals and communities.
  • Example: A social worker or a nurse plays a crucial role in improving the well-being of others, providing support and care to those in need.

5. Stability:

  • For those who value stability, careers in government, finance, and large corporations may offer the security and predictability they seek. These roles often come with clear structures, steady income, and long-term prospects.
  • Example: An accountant or a government employee enjoys a stable work environment with well-defined responsibilities and expectations.

6. Autonomy:

  • If autonomy is important to you, consider careers that offer independence and self-direction, such as freelancing, consulting, or remote work. These roles provide the flexibility to manage your schedule and work environment.
  • Example: A freelance writer or a consultant has the freedom to choose projects, set their own hours, and work from anywhere.

As Peter Drucker, a renowned management consultant, said, “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” Aligning your career with your core values is about doing the right things for your personal and professional growth.

Exercises to Identify Your Core Values

1. Values Inventory:

  • List your top 10 values. These might include honesty, creativity, independence, security, etc.
  • Reflect on past experiences where you felt most fulfilled and identify the values that were being honored in those moments;
  • Take the Personal Values Assessment, an online tool to help you identify and prioritize your core values.

2. Core Values Worksheet:

  • Create a worksheet with columns for different values. Rank them in order of importance;
  • Write down how each value impacts your life decisions and professional choices.
  • Create a template later

3. Reflective Journaling:

  • Spend 10 minutes each day journaling about moments when you felt most and least satisfied in your career. What values were present or missing in those situations?
  • Use a Daily Values Journal to guide you through reflective journaling focused on your values.

Considering your lifestyle preferences

Lifestyle preferences play a significant role in career decisions, impacting overall satisfaction and well-being. Factors such as work-life balance, desired income, and location are crucial to consider when evaluating potential career paths. These preferences influence not only your professional life but also your personal happiness and quality of life.

🤸 Work-Life Balance

Imagine Rebecca, who values flexibility and work-life balance: “I was torn between a career that I really enjoyed and a lifestyle I knew I wanted.”, she recalls. She transitioned from a high-pressure corporate buying job at Sainsbury's to running her own award-winning outsourcing agency, Get Ahead. With a global team of over 70 franchisees and virtual business experts, Rebecca now enjoys a fulfilling career that allows her to work flexibly around her family, proving that aligning career choices with personal values can lead to profound satisfaction and success.

Achieving a healthy work-life balance is essential for reducing stress and preventing burnout. Careers that offer flexible hours, remote work options, or generous leave policies can contribute to a better balance between professional responsibilities and personal life.

Example: Careers in tech companies often provide flexible work schedules, allowing employees to balance work with personal commitments effectively.

💰 Desired Income:

Financial stability and desired income levels are important considerations. Understanding your financial needs and goals helps in choosing a career that meets these requirements, ensuring that you can maintain your preferred lifestyle.

Example: High-income careers in finance, law, or medicine might be suitable for those who prioritize financial growth and stability.

🌍 Location:

The location of your job can significantly impact your lifestyle. Consider whether you prefer working in a bustling city, a quiet suburb, or even remotely. The cost of living, commuting time, and proximity to family and friends are also vital factors.

Meet Stephanie, who thrives in the tranquility of rural New Mexico. She opted for a remote job as an SEO content writer, allowing her to live in the picturesque high desert while maintaining her professional commitments. This choice offered her a stable income, and the ability to set her own hours, enhancing her overall well-being: “I will be able to work when I cannot drive out on the mud roads in the high desert of New Mexico. I can set my own hours around my other gigs. All of this is necessary for my survival.”

Scenarios of Different Career Paths

Tech Industry:

  • Work-Life Balance: Flexible work schedules and remote work options.
  • Income: Competitive salaries with potential for high earnings.
  • Location: Opportunities to work from anywhere, accommodating different living preferences.


  • Work-Life Balance: Often requires long hours, but offers the reward of helping others.
  • Income: Varies widely; high-income potential in specialized fields.
  • Location: Typically tied to specific locations, but opportunities exist in both urban and rural settings.

Creative Fields:

  • Work-Life Balance: Project-based work can offer flexibility, but deadlines may be intense.
  • Income: Variable; often starts lower but can grow with experience and reputation.
  • Location: Often centered in urban areas, but increasing opportunities for remote work.

Corporate Sector:

  • Work-Life Balance: Can be demanding, with a focus on productivity and results.
  • Income: Generally stable with clear paths for advancement.
  • Location: Usually in urban centers, with some flexibility for remote roles.

Achieving a healthy work-life balance is essential for reducing stress and preventing burnout

Assessing your priorities and desired work-life balance

To make informed career decisions, it is essential to assess your priorities and desired work-life balance. Here are some prompts and exercises to help you evaluate these factors:

  1. Priority List:
    • Create a list of your top priorities in life, such as family, health, hobbies, financial stability, or career growth;
    • Rank these priorities to understand what matters most to you and how your career choices can support these aspects.
  2. Lifestyle Audit:
    • Conduct a lifestyle audit by reflecting on your current daily routine and how it aligns with your ideal lifestyle;
    • Identify areas where you feel satisfied and areas where you want to make changes, such as reducing work hours or increasing leisure time.
  3. Income Needs Analysis:t
    • Calculate your current and projected financial needs, including expenses, savings, and long-term goals;
    • Use this analysis to determine the minimum income required to support your desired lifestyle and how different career options meet these needs.
  4. Geographic Preferences:
    • Reflect on your preferred living environment. Do you thrive in an urban setting with cultural amenities, or do you prefer the tranquility of rural areas?
    • Consider the impact of your job location on your lifestyle, including commute times, housing costs, and access to recreational activities.
  5. Work Environment Preferences:
    • Think about the type of work environment that suits you best. Do you prefer a collaborative office setting, a dynamic and fast-paced workplace, or the independence of remote work?
    • Assess how different career options align with these preferences.

Conducting a Self-Assessment

Conducting a thorough self-assessment involves several steps to help you understand your strengths, interests, values, and lifestyle preferences. This process will guide you toward making informed and fulfilling career decisions.

🎭 Self-Assessment Tools and Personality Tests

Online self-assessment tools and personality tests are great starting points for understanding your professional profile. While these tools shouldn't be seen as definitive answers, they can provide valuable insights.

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): This widely-used personality test helps identify your personality type, strengths, and preferences.
  • StrengthsFinder: This tool highlights your top strengths and how you can leverage them in your career.
  • SkillScan: A comprehensive tool that assesses your transferable skills.
  • Holland Code (RIASEC): This test categorizes you into six career interest areas, guiding you toward compatible career paths.

✍ Journaling and Exercises

Journaling is an effective method for self-reflection. It allows you to delve deeper into your thoughts and experiences, helping you gain clarity about your career aspirations. Here are some detailed journaling prompts and exercises to help you with self-reflection:

Journaling Prompts:

  • "What activities make me lose track of time because I enjoy them so much?"
  • "What are my proudest professional achievements and why?"
  • "What kind of work environment makes me feel energized and productive?"
  • "What values are most important to me in my professional life?"
  • "What are my top five strengths and how have I demonstrated them in my career?"


  • Weekly Reflection: Dedicate time each week to reflect on your professional experiences, noting what you enjoyed and what you found challenging.
  • Vision Board: Create a vision board that represents your ideal career and lifestyle. Include images, quotes, and words that inspire you and align with your goals.
  • Career Timeline: Map out a timeline of your career, noting significant milestones, achievements, and moments of satisfaction. Identify patterns and recurring themes.

How to create a career vision board

👨‍💼Informational Interviews with Professionals in Target Career Fields

Informational interviews are an invaluable way to gain firsthand insights into potential career paths. They provide an opportunity to learn about the realities of a profession, network with industry insiders, and get advice on transitioning into a new field.

Follow these steps to conduct informational interviews:

  1. Identify Contacts: Use LinkedIn, professional associations, and personal networks to find professionals in your target career field.
  2. Request an Interview: Reach out via email or LinkedIn, expressing your interest in learning more about their career path and experiences.
  3. Prepare Questions: Develop a list of questions to ask during the interview, focusing on their career journey, job responsibilities, industry trends, and advice for newcomers.
  4. Conduct the Interview: Approach the interview with curiosity and professionalism. Take notes and ask follow-up questions.
  5. Follow-up: Send a thank-you note expressing appreciation for their time and insights. Maintain the connection for future networking opportunities.

Best questions to ask in informal interviews

Leveraging Your Self-Assessment for Career Planning

After conducting a thorough self-assessment, the next step is to leverage your findings to identify potential career paths that align with your strengths, interests, and values. This alignment ensures that your career choices are not only fulfilling but also sustainable in the long term.

3 steps to leverage your findings and identify potential career paths

1. Identify Career Paths That Align with Your Strengths

  • Analyze Your Skills: Look at the list of transferable and technical skills you've identified. Research careers that require these skills.some text
    • Example: If you have strong analytical and problem-solving skills, careers in data analysis, engineering, or finance might be suitable.
  • Match Strengths to Roles: Consider roles that play to your strengths. For example, if you excel in leadership, look for management or executive positions.

2. Align Career Paths with Your Interests

  • Passion Projects: Reflect on your passion inventory and think about how these interests can translate into a career.some text
    • Example: If you are passionate about environmental conservation, consider careers in environmental science, policy, or non-profit organizations dedicated to sustainability.
  • Interest Areas: Use the interest mapping exercise to identify industries and roles that align with multiple interests, ensuring a broader range of satisfying career options.

3. Ensure Career Paths Reflect Your Values

  • Values Assessment: Refer to your core values and ensure that potential careers align with these principles.some text
    • Example: If you value helping others, careers in healthcare, social work, or education might be a good fit.
  • Work Environment: Consider work environments that match your values, such as companies known for innovation, collaboration, or work-life balance.

Career Research and Exploration

Vicky Dain’s career transformation highlights the power of exploration in finding your true path. Dissatisfied with her corporate lawyer role, she took a bold step away from work to explore diverse interests—from writing and baking to farming and carpentry.

“I’m only going to give my ideas full respect if I actually go and try them all.”, she says. This period of experimentation allowed her to discover that working with people at a really personal level was very appealing to her, ultimately leading her to pursue clinical psychology: “Human behaviour, attitudes, and human interactions were really fascinating to me.”

Career research and exploration involve delving deeper into potential career paths to understand their requirements, opportunities, and challenges. As Vicky’s journey demonstrates, stepping outside your comfort zone and actively exploring different fields can reveal the career that truly aligns with your passions and strengths.

Besides exploring different career ideas, this process includes:

  • Researching Job Descriptions: Look at job postings to understand the skills, qualifications, and responsibilities of roles that interest you;
  • Exploring Industry Trends: Stay informed about trends and developments in your target industries to identify growing fields and emerging opportunities;
  • Networking: Connect with professionals in your desired field to gain insights and advice.
Career exploration is a continuous process that can help you find potential career paths

Using Your Self-Assessment as a Roadmap

Your self-assessment results serve as a personalized roadmap for further exploration and decision-making. Here’s how to use this roadmap effectively:

  • Set Clear Goals: Based on your self-assessment, set specific career goals that align with your strengths, interests, and values;
  • Create an Action Plan: Develop a step-by-step plan to achieve these goals. This could include gaining new skills, seeking mentorship, or transitioning into a new role gradually;
  • Stay Flexible: Be open to adjusting your plans as you gather more information and experience. Career planning is an ongoing process, and flexibility ensures you can adapt to new opportunities.

Embarking on a career change is a significant journey. Your self-assessment is the first step, providing you with clarity and direction. Use it as a foundation for deeper research, exploration, and ultimately, making well-informed career decisions that lead to professional and personal satisfaction.


Self-assessment is a crucial step in navigating a successful career change. By understanding your strengths, interests, values, and lifestyle preferences, you can make informed decisions that lead to a fulfilling and sustainable career path. 

Think of self-assessment as your personal guide on this transformative journey. It uncovers new opportunities and provides a clear roadmap, helping you navigate the complexities of career transitions with confidence and purpose. Remember, a fulfilling career is within reach when you align your work with your true self.

To start this transformative process, conduct a Personal SWOT Analysis to identify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Dive into The Passion Quiz to explore your interests and passions. Utilize the Personal Values Assessment to gain clarity on your core principles. These steps are crucial for your career transformation.

Embrace the journey with optimism and determination. Your ideal career path is out there, waiting to be discovered. By taking these proactive steps in self-assessment, you're not just exploring career options - you're crafting a future that aligns with your authentic self. Your next great opportunity awaits - take the first step now!

Nelson Marteleira

Nelson is the co-founder NoCode Institute. He is an experienced NoCode specialist and developer with a solid portfolio. Nelson helps bring ideas to reality.

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