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Top Tips For Side Hustles and Projects Aligned with Skills
Job Hunt

Top Tips For Side Hustles and Projects Aligned with Skills

Learn how to leverage your talents, manage your time, and create additional income streams through passion-driven ventures.

Nelson Marteleira
July 26, 2024

Are you tired of feeling stuck in a dead-end job or worried that your current skills won't cut it in the fast-paced tech world?
It's time to take charge of your future and explore new career avenues! By diving into side hustles and projects that align with your skills, you can significantly boost your career prospects.
Imagine turning your everyday experiences into real-world expertise that not only enhances your resume but also sets you apart in the job market. No more fearing job obsolescence or financial instability—let’s explore how you can build a strong portfolio with side hustle and projects aligned with your skills.

Tips To Create A Strong Portfolio

Building a strong portfolio is your ticket to showcasing your skills and impressing potential employers. Whether you're looking to switch careers or level up in your current field, a well-crafted portfolio highlights your abilities and sets you apart from the competition. Ready to make your portfolio stand out? Let's dive into some essential tips!

1. Be Involved In A Wide Variety Of Projects

Be Involved In A Wide Variety Of Projects

Ever wondered how to make yourself stand out in the job market? One effective way is to immerse yourself in a wide range of projects. By doing this, you not only boost your skillset but also make your resume pop. Think about it—potential employers love seeing candidates with diverse experiences and hands-on practice.

Take it from Sessamekesh, a Reddit user, who shared, "For my first internship, I'm sure it was a nice resume point that helped me get interviews, but more than that, I aced the interview because I had used the tech they were asking about in a side project (MySQL)." Each project you tackle adds another layer of real-world experience that can come in handy during those tough interview questions. As Sessamekesh shares, "I'm sure they looked nice and gave me a leg up, but on multiple occasions, I had a hard interview question where I was able to pull experience from a side project."

Juggling multiple projects might sound overwhelming, especially if you're already feeling drained by your day-to-day job. But remember, each project is a step toward financial stability and job security. Whether you're aiming to transition into tech or simply build a financial cushion, getting involved in varied projects can help you prepare for the unexpected. If you're wondering how to get started or need guidance, NoCode Institute’s programs enhance your no-code skills, making those side hustles easy and significant career opportunities.

Here is a guide to top mental health resources to overcome career challenges and boost your professional success.

2. Gain Real World Experience

Ever thought about how powerful real-world experience can be? Aleenah Ansari, a storyteller bridging tech and journalism, certainly does. Through her side hustle in journalism, she discovered the immense value of storytelling and active listening in every profession. “Even though journalism isn’t my primary industry of interest, the skills that I develop, particularly related to storytelling and active listening, are integral to every profession,” she shared. By participating in side hustles like performing in the Blank Monologues, writing LinkedIn articles, and contributing to her school newspaper, Aleenah honed skills that made her stand out in her tech role at Microsoft.

 Gain Real World Experience
Aleenah’s webinar

Aleenah’s journey shows that side hustles aren't just about making extra cash—they’re about gaining experience that sets you apart in any career. “My internship helped me realize that my background as a journalist and identity as a storyteller make me better at my job,” she said. Whether it's learning website design, public speaking, or memoir writing, these experiences can provide a fresh perspective on your primary job. So, why not dive into projects that excite you? This approach not only boosts your resume but also prepares you for a successful career transition.

Even if you are worried about job security or feeling stuck in a monotonous role, side hustles offer a way out. Like Aleenah, if you want to build a business in writing or pursue other things, no code skills can be the wildcard for your success in the technical world. They can help you transition into a more fulfilling career and give you the confidence to pursue your dreams. Learn more on how no code skills help you from job obsolescence.

3. Continuously Enhance Skills

If you’re looking to boost your career, continuously improving your skills is key. Just ask Jen Glantz, the founder of Bridesmaid for Hire and the Odd Jobs Newsletter. While balancing consulting and PR jobs, she dabbled in freelance writing. This side hustle not only helped her land a full-time copywriting job at a tech startup but also fueled her rapid career growth. "I kept getting big raises and big promotions," Jen said, "and I think a lot of it has to do with that I was really active on improving my skills outside of work."

Continuously Enhance Skills
Jen’s video on Skills

To follow Jen’s lead, start by identifying the skills you want to sharpen. Are you in retail looking to improve customer service? Or maybe in advertising, seeking to master quick turnarounds? Make a list and then scout for opportunities that match. Websites like LinkedIn,, and even Twitter are gold mines for finding gigs that can help you grow.

Enhancing your skills through side projects can open new doors. Here are the in-demand skills you can have for side hustles to make money online. By engaging in continuous learning and taking on diverse projects, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle new challenges and achieve your career dreams.

4. Develop Skills Relevant To Desirable Job Positions Through Side Hustles

Develop Skills Relevant To Desirable Job Positions Through Side Hustles

Ever thought about how side hustles can help you develop the exact skills needed for your dream job? Alykhan Gulamali, a number cruncher by day and an author and blogger by night, learned this lesson the hard way. Alykhan juggled between writing and a t-shirt design side hustle, Merch by Amazon, but realized he had to choose one to excel truly. "For one year, I tried to do both writing and Merch and have failed at both (by my standards)," he confessed. This struggle led him to understand the importance of focusing on skills that align with his passion.

Alykhan discovered that writing, along with its micro-skills like email marketing, self-publishing, and social media, was something he enjoyed so much that he would do it for free. This realization was key to his success. "Your side hustle should be something that you'd do for the rest of your life even if you never got paid for it," Alykhan advised. By focusing on writing, he improved his craft and built a successful side hustle that complemented his professional goals.

Similarly, if you are a sitting duck in an obsolete job role or your business needs an update, no code skills that align with your portfolio can be the key to your success. NoCode Institute is there at each step to help you explore and develop skills that align with your career aspirations. By taking on projects that you’re passionate about, you’ll not only enjoy the process but also make yourself more attractive to potential employers. So, why not dive into a side hustle that excites you and sets you on the path to success?

5. Develop Your Deep Expertise in Your Chosen Field

If you dream of turning your side hustle into a lucrative career, it’s all about developing deep expertise. Alexandra Frost, a freelance writer and journalism teacher, transformed her passion for writing into a thriving business. "At 18, thanks to a top-notch high school journalism teacher, I got an internship at a local newspaper and wrote my first reported news story," she shared. Despite starting small, her persistence and focus on honing her craft paid off.

 Develop Your Deep Expertise in Your Chosen Field
Alexandra’s expert process

Alexandra balanced teaching and writing for years, but the pandemic made her realize it was time for a change. "As much as I’d loved teaching, it was time to make the jump," she said. Now, she earns $250,000 annually from her writing business while working part-time. Her success lies in continuously improving her skills and finding joy in the day-to-day grind.

Developing expertise in a chosen field can be transformative. It can turn your side hustles into a full-blown business. Programs like Nocode Mastery are great tools that can help you hone those skills of mastery. By focusing on what you love and continuously enhancing your expertise, you’ll be well-prepared to make your side hustle your main career and achieve your professional dreams.

6. Integrate Client Feedback In Future Projects

If you’re running any business, client feedback is your compass. If you’re not building based on feedback, you’re building for yourself, not your market! This was a lesson Andrea learned firsthand when introducing a new color scheme to their idea voting system.

Integrate Client Feedback In Future Projects
Andrea’s quote

Andrea shared an insightful analogy: “Everyone knows how traffic lights work. Red means stop, green means go. But we forget that even if every color in the traffic light were suddenly, say, purple, the one at the top would still mean stop and the one at the bottom would still mean go.” This hit home when a user pointed out that the new red, green, and yellow scheme, paired with thumbs up, down, and out icons, might not be clear to color-blind users. Despite adding tooltips for clarity, they hadn’t considered this important aspect.

Andrea and the team acted swiftly, coming up with a quick fix and shipping it within 24 hours. "Without additional context, colors lose meaning," Andrea said. This experience underscored the importance of integrating client feedback to create value and growth. Taking client feedback seriously not only helps improve your projects but also shows that you value your audience's input. This approach not only enhances your skills but also builds a strong, loyal customer base, setting you up for long-term success.

A Side Hustle Success Story

Freelancing might seem glamorous—working from tropical destinations, setting your schedule, and building a successful business. However, achieving sustainable growth requires the right technologies and adapting to market needs. Beatriz, a NoCode Institute student, shares how no-code development revolutionized her freelance marketing firm.

A Side Hustle Success Story
Beatriz’s post

Beatriz started her career in management and marketing, eventually launching her consultancy. She faced challenges proving the value of long-term strategies to clients, especially during the pandemic. Realizing the need to expand her services, she turned to no-code development through the NoCode Institute’s Foundations program. "Technology is your best friend. And if you know how to play with it, you can do whatever you want," Beatriz said. Now, she offers both marketing strategies and web design services, showcasing how technology can transform a business.

For those looking to pivot careers, Beatriz’s story shows the power of adapting to market trends and integrating new skills. NoCode Institute’s programs are designed to help you gain the expertise needed to thrive in today's digital economy. By embracing no-code development, you can transform your side hustle into a sustainable and profitable career, just like Beatriz.

Be inspired by these 6 success stories that highlight the impact of support systems in reskilling programs. Discover how others transformed their careers and how you can too.


Turning your side hustle into a successful venture requires a blend of passion, continuous skill enhancement, and the ability to adapt to market needs. From being involved in various projects to gaining real-world experience and continuously improving your skills, each step is crucial. By focusing on developing deep expertise in your chosen field and integrating client feedback, you can build a sustainable and fulfilling side hustle. Stories like those of Alykhan, Alexandra, and Beatriz illustrate the power of dedication and strategic learning in transforming side gigs into thriving careers.

NoCode Institute is dedicated to helping you achieve this transformation. Our comprehensive no-code training programs equip you with the skills needed to excel in the digital economy. Whether you’re looking to enhance your freelance business, pivot to a new career, or simply learn new skills, our courses are designed to support your journey. Ready to turn your side hustle into your main hustle? Join NoCode Institute today and start building the future you’ve always dreamed of.

Nelson Marteleira

Nelson is the co-founder NoCode Institute. He is an experienced NoCode specialist and developer with a solid portfolio. Nelson helps bring ideas to reality.

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