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 industry-specific digital skills employers
Digital Skills

Industry-Specific Digital Skills: What Employers Are Looking For

Find out the digital skills employers are seeking across different industries. Get insights on the key skills needed for retail, healthcare, sales, and more.

Nelson Marteleira
August 23, 2024

In today’s fast-paced job market, being digitally proficient is a boon and a catalyst for a career. Employers across various industries seek candidates with industry-specific digital skills that can drive efficiency, enhance productivity, and, ultimately, contribute to the company's success.

Whether you have experience as an office assistant, a warehouse worker, or a sales representative, mastering these skills can set you apart from the competition and open doors to new career opportunities. Upskilling can help you land a job, especially if you have little experience but are looking for opportunities in these fields. 

This article will explore the top digital skills employers seek in several key industries, helping you understand where to focus your learning and development efforts.

Industry-Specific Digital Skills: What Employers Are Looking For

Top Industry-Specific Digital Skills Employers Are Seeking

You're seeing it everywhere—employers are on the hunt for digital skills tailored to their industry. As businesses go digital, having the right tech know-how is key to staying competitive. Whether you're in retail, manufacturing or another field, sharpening your digital skills can make you stand out and open doors.

1. Understanding the Demand for Digital Skills in Retail

1. Understanding the Demand for Digital Skills in Retail

The retail industry has experienced a massive shift towards digitalisation, driven by the rise of e-commerce and changing consumer behaviour. As a retail employee, you should proficiently use digital point-of-sale systems, manage online inventory, and engage with customers through social media platforms.

For instance, managing online transactions and using data analytics to track consumer preferences are becoming as important as traditional retail skills. 

According to a report by Transition CA, 14 per cent of currently employed US retail and wholesale workers have no digital skills, and an additional 23 per cent have minimal skills. This data transcends the Global North and shows the prevalent gap in basic digital skills. 

In the coming years, those in the retail business or are retail workers can be one step ahead of their contemporaries by reskilling themselves and understanding digital tools that enhance customer experience and drive sales. 

Why it matters: Employers are increasingly looking for retail employees who can seamlessly integrate digital tools into their daily tasks. By upskilling in areas like digital marketing, relevant retail software and data analytics, you can meet and exceed employer expectations, making yourself an indispensable part of the team.

Learn how to conduct thorough industry research to uncover job opportunities. Follow the steps provided in this guide to gather valuable insights, analyze trends, and identify potential employers.

2. Navigating the Warehouse Industry: Essential Digital Skills

2. Navigating the Warehouse Industry: Essential Digital Skills

Warehouse jobs are traditionally associated with physical labour, but today, they also require a strong understanding of digital technologies.

With the rise of automation, skills such as using warehouse management systems (WMS), automated inventory systems, and data entry software are now essential. 

Familiarising yourself with these technologies can make you an invaluable asset to your employer. According to an article on Coast Jobs, digital tools are revolutionising warehouse operations.  

Being digitally skilled in using relevant applications in mobile phones, tablets and computers, Barcode scanners, smart watches, and other digital devices is very important.  

These devices help to enter information into the central system. Having a proper digital skillset makes stock inventory tracking easier, shows the physical location of warehouse stock, and increases efficiency in all processes. 

Forget bookkeeping skills. Today, big data is automatically captured, collected, and collated across the entire operation. There is no need for manual intervention at any stage of this process. Thus, jobs are shifting towards utilising basic digital skills like spreadsheets or accounting software to streamline the process.

Why it matters: As warehouses continue to embrace automation, workers who can operate and troubleshoot digital systems will be in higher demand. Enhancing your digital skillset will allow you to position yourself for more stable, higher-paying positions and leadership roles within the industry.

3. Digital Skill Sets Revolutionizing the Manufacturing Industry

3. Digital Skill Sets Revolutionizing the Manufacturing Industry

The manufacturing industry is on the brink of a digital revolution. If you’re working in manufacturing, gaining proficiency in digital skillsets is crucial for staying relevant and competitive. 

A study conducted by MIT and Boston University suggests that the emergence of new digital tasks can balance out the adverse effects of automation on the job market, as all technologies have productivity effects that help drive labour demand. 

This finding aligns with a study by the World Economic Forum, which forecasts that digital technologies will generate a minimum of 12 million new jobs by 2025, outweighing the jobs that will be displaced. This will create a demand for individuals with the necessary skills to program, maintain, and repair these technologies.

By mastering basic digital skills like spreadsheets, task management systems, CRMs and presentation tools or upskilling for more advanced digital skills like IoT, digital twins, and AI, you can position yourself as a key player in the manufacturing industry accordingly. 

These skills are essential in Industry 4.0, helping you optimise production, adapt to automation, and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Why it matters: As the industry moves towards greater automation, your ability to work with basic as well as advanced digital tools will help you land a job as per your digital skillset in the manufacturing industry. Not only can these skills protect you from job displacement, but they can also lead to career advancement and new opportunities in this ever-evolving industry.

Here is a blog of practical strategies to manage change, leverage your strengths, and achieve your career goals. Perfect for professionals seeking a structured approach to successful career transitions.

4. Essential Digital Skills for Sales Representatives

4. Essential Digital Skills for Sales Representatives

In the sales world, digital skills have become as important as a firm handshake and a winning smile. Today’s sales representatives need to be proficient in digital selling techniques, CRM software, and data analytics. These tools will help you track leads, manage customer relationships, and close deals more effectively. 

 A blog by NASP outlines the digital selling skills that elite sales professionals use daily, emphasising the importance of staying current with digital trends. 

  • Establish your presence on social media: Utilise the power of social platforms for brand visibility.
  • Utilise the right data analytics software: Learn basic data analytic software like Zoho, Hubspot, Salesmate, etc. This will help you better understand and target your audience.
  • Organise the data: You need to learn basic organisational software like Hubspot, Pipedrive, or Close to manage and utilise data to enhance your sales approach effectively.
  • Understand consumer intentions and interests: Upskill yourself with the knowledge of SEM and SEO to align with customer search behaviours.

Why it matters: Employers want sales reps who can leverage digital tools to drive results. By mastering these technologies, you can increase your sales efficiency, exceed targets, and stand out in a competitive job market. Plus, these skills are transferrable, offering you greater career flexibility.

5. Healthcare’s Need for Telehealth and IT Security Skills

5. Healthcare’s Need for Telehealth and IT Security Skills

The healthcare industry has seen a massive shift towards telehealth services, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Understanding how to operate telehealth platforms and ensure IT security is crucial for healthcare professionals. These skills help protect patient data and deliver quality care remotely, which is becoming increasingly important in today’s healthcare landscape. 

According to an article in the Telegraph India, the demand for telehealth services has skyrocketed. With it, there is a need for professionals skilled enough to navigate evolving digital health platforms and cybersecurity.

Why it matters: As telehealth becomes more prevalent, employers seek professionals who can navigate these platforms confidently or at least have the basic digital skills to help them learn quickly. By upskilling in these areas, you can position yourself as a forward-thinking and adaptable healthcare worker ready to meet the challenges of modern healthcare delivery.

6. Digital Proficiency: A Must-Have for Bankers in the Digital Age

6. Digital Proficiency: A Must-Have for Bankers in the Digital Age

Banking has gone digital, and so must you. Today’s bankers need to manage online transactions, use advanced financial software, and understand robust data security measures. These digital skills are essential for delivering efficient and secure banking services in an increasingly digital world. 

Commenting on a Quora question, “What are the computer skills a banker must know?” Bonnie Foley-Wong, an investment expert, highlights the importance of digital proficiency in the banking sector, noting that the ability to navigate digital banking tools is now a basic requirement for most positions.

Mastering essential digital skills like Excel, PowerPoint, and programming languages can significantly boost your chances of landing a job in the banking sector. Excel remains the foundation for financial analysis, while PowerPoint is key to creating impactful presentations. 

Understanding email etiquette across different platforms and proficiency in Word enhances your ability to communicate effectively. 

Why it matters: These skills not only improve your efficiency but also demonstrate your readiness to adapt to the evolving demands of the banking industry. You can ensure your career stays on track in a rapidly evolving industry. Furthermore, these skills can open doors to new opportunities in fintech, a sector that’s growing at an unprecedented rate.


In every industry, digital skills are becoming critical to job success. Whether you're in retail, manufacturing, sales, healthcare, or banking, upskilling in these areas can help you stay competitive and advance in your career. Employers are actively seeking candidates who can demonstrate proficiency in these key areas, making it more important than ever to stay ahead of the curve.

If you’re ready to take your digital skills to the next level, enroll in one of NoCode Institute’s programs today. Our courses are designed to equip you with the industry-specific digital skills employers seek. 

Don't wait—Start your journey today with NoCode Institute!

Nelson Marteleira

Nelson is the co-founder NoCode Institute. He is an experienced NoCode specialist and developer with a solid portfolio. Nelson helps bring ideas to reality.

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